
Sunday, August 29, 2004

New York City...the story continues....

Well, I've been in NYC for about three weeks now. The plane ride over was exciting. It was only to take an hour, but a fuel guage on the plane refuesed to work, had to be replaced and the new one didn't work either. So we were hussled off the plane in order so the wonderful people on the tarmac could manually refuel the plane and let us board again. All in all instead of landing a 5:00ish we landed at 8:00 ish at Newark. Gotta love JetsGo!

Following that, another wonderful thing happenned, apparently somebody cut the budget for the two weeks of orientation and house hunting and put us up in the St. George Hotel. The St. George is a hole in the wall student residence being renovated. The hallways were painted on a daily basis and the rooms we occupied were already done so that the washroom doors wouldn't close properly. I've learned one thing about NYC, the painters here aren't to bright.

Not all was bad though, Frank Valvo, our broker, found us a wonderful apartment in Brooklyn Heights near the Brooklyn Bridge and a stunning view of the Manhatten Skyline.

I also cannot wait to start work next week at my school. The principal called the teachers in because she was supposed to be on vacation this past week (from the 15th) but she was still receiving paperwork and furniture for the new school and everything in her office was stacked in cardboard boxes. She is supposed to be able to give tours of the school this coming week to parents, board officials and the like but the school is no where near ready.

But on the good side, she seems like a fairly down to earth person at a great school overlooking Jamaica Bay on the Rockaway Park portion of Queen's. I can feel the sea breezes now wafting through my new classroom/office (they don't know where my room is yet, but it is there somewhere).

More to come on this story. Watch this blog for more info!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

New York New York!

Got my apartment today and will be moving soon. I can't wait. I'll be in a home looking similar to what the Huxtables lived in on the Cosby show. Looking forward to that and learning the commute to and from my school .

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Post-it Software Notes: Lite Download

Post it notes for your computer desktop. Who woulda thunk it....

Need to remember something? Why not stick a post it note to someplace where your look almost everyday!.

Friday, August 06, 2004 - NHL star declares war on P.E.I. newspaper - NHL star declares war on P.E.I. newspaper

This article takes the cake for stupidity in journalism. Brad Richards, of the Tampa Bay Lightening, brings the Stanley Cup, Lady Byng and Conn Smythe Tropies to a parade in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. The parade is attended by over 10,000 people. The Summerside Journal-Pioneer runs an editorial that day lambasting Richards and the parade's organizing committee for not allowing Richards to sign autographs. Gee wizz, have you tried signing 1,000 autographs, let alone 10,000 autographs.

Even worse, the editorial itself says you can ride the subway in Toronto for $1.50. Last time I checked the fare was $2.25 if you paid by cash, $1.90 to $2.00 for tokens. So how can you ride for a $1.50 if your not over the age of 65? HELLO!

Shame on the paper.


Yesterday I spent most of the day in downtown Toronto with a friend from Ottawa. She was on her way to visit her mother. We ate at the Wolf & Firken pub for a little lunch. That is one fine dining establishement I am going to miss when I get to New York City. From there we had a little Ben & Jerry's ice cream on Queen Street, checked out the sets of City TV at the corner of Queen & John and walked through Chinatown before getting her back on the bus.

It was nice to have see a friend from my days in Ottawa every now and then.

It will be even better following my move to New York City.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Can I ask what all the fuss is about? Sure used the song "This land is your land" but get over it, you've made how many dollars from this song every year? Why not chase down the five year-olds who sing the song on the street or the school music programs that teach the song in classrooms.

Finally, at least these two comic geniuses bash both Kerry and Bush within the comedic sketch and not just one side more than the other. At least the comedy pokes fun at both sides. Now if only the owners of the song would leave them alone and be happy they used it for tasteful comedic purposes and get a life.

Monday, August 02, 2004

McDonald's in Aurora.

Should have mentioned this yesterday, but didn't.

I went to McDonald's yesterday for some lunch. Now I know most of you hate McDonald's, but I had a craving for a Big Mac and some fries.

Now lets back up a bit. Burger King in Aurora and Newmarket have closed because of a lack of business or so rumour has it (Upper Canada Mall location is still open). So about a month after or so, McDonald's in Aurora raised their prices by ten to twenty cents. This means that a Big Mac Meal, as advertised everyday except Tuesday (their McDeal day for the Mac), is now more than six dollars in cost ($6.08). They raised there prices on Friday night (so the manager said). I had only six dollars because I was used to the old price of 5.90ish. So you think that the manager would say, no problem we'll give you a deal for today recognizing the price change has increased and next time, please bring the right cost. No that would be too easy.

Instead she says I can have a Mcwhatever burger because it is their "McDeal" meal for Sundays or I can have the Mac with small Coke and small fries. So I took the latter with a feeling this place has a lack of customer service. Did I fill out a customer card? Nope, because I felt that would only reach management who would only rip it up. So I figured a nice little blog entry would get out better. So there you go, carry more money to McDonald's cause who knows when they are going to jack their prices up.

So, I will not be going to McDonald's anymore in Aurora. Probably might even skip them in New York City due to their lack of customer service in this situation. It could have cost them twenty cents in the first place instead of loosing sales. For now, T.C.'s Fish & Burgers in Aurora and Wendy's will be my choice to get a valuable burger eating purpose.

Finally some musings, anybody else notice the burger patties are gettin smaller at MacDonald's everytime you go there? Also, why is the price going up considering the price of beef Canadian farmers are receiving is going down? - Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

If you thought the chicken only crossed the road to get to the other side, your sadly mistaken my friend.

This website makes up quotes that real Hollywood stars and other notable wannabies believe happenned when queried about "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Sunday, August 01, 2004

EarthCam - Penguin Cam

Just when I thought the internet had me impressed, I stumbled accross this website of the penguins at the Central Park Zoo in New York City.

If it wasn't enough to have still pictures updated every ten minutes of these exquisitely dressed animals, the cam updates every two three seconds! For goodness sake, I could watch these guys waddle around all day!

24 Hour Museum

A "kick ass site" that lets you see various historic paintings, photos, and sculptures in England while sitting in your own chair half way round the world. Two thumbs up for this website.