
Sunday, September 19, 2004

Learn how to tie a neck tie, tying knots, tyeing man school dress bow ties,half windsor

Learn how to tie a neck tie, tying knots, tyeing man school dress bow ties,half windsor

A website that saved my life today. I usually tie my tie for school the day or night before (who can concentrate on tying a tie a 6:30 A.M. while eating toast?). A must have website for all Wall Street Gentlemen!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Weatherman needs to co-operate

A fine day in New York City. Spend more money I don't have on clothes for school. Anybody got any extra American change lying around?

Anyway, I am enjoying a nice long weekend in New York. You see as a school teacher you get the Thursday, Friday and weekend off for the Jewish Holidays. So I have used the time to straighten up my bedroom and move things around and get some other stuff done (including getting lost in Penn Station...a past time I seem to have learned to enjoy).

Otherwise, teaching in New York has been pretty fun so far!