
Sunday, February 27, 2005

A New York Moment

I was at Connolly's pub near Grand Central Station in New York City this past week. I had a friend down from Toronto on my week off as a New York City school teacher.

We were seated next to these three mid-thirties looking guys. This was kinda weird considering that there was perhaps a total of 5-10 tables occupied in the entire place. But I didn't complain.

Next thing I know is I am hearing about Sparks Street in Ottawa. The three of the them were trying to figure out the name of the bar at the corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets across from the older looking Post Office building. The three of them knew it was an Irish bar but couldn't name the bar to save their lives.

I turned to them and said, "D'arcy McGee's would be the name of the bar."

Their mouths nearly hit the floor.

They looked at me and said "how'd you know that?"

I said, "I was a student at the University of Ottawa for four years and went their quite often on Thursday nights for the Kitchen parties. I was the class of 2002 for History.

It turns out the three of them were lawyers. One was from Toronto and graduated from Carleton University, another lived in Ottawa and graduated from Carleton University. The last one lived in Ottawa and graduated from University of Ottawa as well back in the eighties.

Turns out that New York City has quite a lot of Canadians visiting. Including from Ottawa. It was a good time to reminisce.

Talk about a small world.


  1. I know that small world thing. The other day I was showing off some Old wedding photos I had printed off my webshots album at work. A few people recognized the people from Health Canada, but one guy pointed to one of the picture of a non-health Canada person and said hell I know him too.

    Dr. R Feldstrum when he was in Toronto went to the Aurora United Church on Young Street.

    (I take it you know him?)

  2. A lot of people know me...

    I pratically grew up in the building. I don't have a church photo directory with me, so I can't picture him.

    I know a lot of people at the church, however, I sometimes I can't match a name to the face or I know the face but not the name.
