A look at Coney Island's busy board walk on Memorial Day.

Another look at Coney Island's busy boardwalk on Memorial Day.

a look at Coney Island's busy beach from the pier near Stillwell & Surf Avenues.

A look outside the other side of the Pier. This section of beach is not looked after by lifeguards this weekend. Roomer has it there is a shortage of city lifeguards again this summer.

From the end of the Pier looking back at Coney Island.

A look towards the east side of the pier and the Coney Island amusement park, Astroland.

A look at the pier itself. In the background is the Parachute Jump (red tower) and Keyspan Park (light standards), home of the Brooklyn Cyclones.

A better view of the Parachute Jump and Keyspan Park from the Pier.

Keyspan Park and the Coney Island Beach.

Astroland Amusement Park from the beach. The Wonder Wheel is on the left. The famous "Cyclone Rollercoaster" is on the far right.

The Cyclone Rollercoaster.

A busy Surf Avenue on Coney Island. Surf Avenue is the closest street going east-west behind the beach (which also goes east west).
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