
Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mid-Town Wanderance

Today I went for a wanderance through midtown Manhattan and took some random pictures. It was a great day for a walk with slightly overcast skies with a temperature around 13 degrees celcius. True it could have been warmer, but with a jacket on it is quite nice.

Times Square on a Sunday afternoon.

St. Patrick's Cathedral on 5th Avenue. A beautiful church!

St. Patrick's Cathedral from accross the street. The statue, in the foreground, on the opposite side of the street of the Cathedral, provides an interesting picture. Now if only the lighting was right. Argh!


  1. I agree about St. Patrick's. I took a pic of it when I was in NYC in third year that I quite like. Would have liked the chance to go inside and take a look around (yay architecture) but didn't have time since we were only in NYC for four days.

  2. Should check out the Chrysler Building insides. Didn't take pictures of it yet though.
