
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Toronto's Lights burned out on Second World War

Re: “Lights burned out many months ago at two WWII cenotaphs.” Toronto Star

 So Toronto Hydro and the City of Toronto have dropped the ball when it comes to respecting its veterans. Two lights have not been on for a year at cenotaphs. I know in Aurora, which is a lot smaller than Toronto, is a good case study. The Town of Aurora and the local hydro company check out the cenotaph just before when major events and celebrations are to occur. This way the cenotaph's light is in working order when Remembrance Day occurs or like the 60th anniversary of VE Day. This way those lights are guaranteed to be on.

Cenotaphs should be public places. Why? This way the monuments will be kept up because the locals will put the pressure on to keep these monuments to our veterans in proper working order. Sure the local Legion should be involved if they wish to be. But these monuments should be a public thing where everyone can be involved as a city.

The city and the local councilor (whoever it might be) should be ashamed of themselves. A community citizen has pointed out that the light was burnt out and should be fixed. Who cares whose responsibility it is? The problem should have been solved long before this past weekend. The city and hydro should have put out a call to the locals, via the newspaper or other community communications piece, and if they heard nothing on whose responsibility it is, gone ahead and fixed it. This way the community knows the city is at least showing they are trying to get the problem fixed. Bottom line show that you are at least trying to the community and its constituents.

It is absolutely pathetic that the Toronto Star had to get involved. The media should not have to get involved in a case like this. The city have taken the problem and started searching for an answer in a case like this. In the first case mentioned, it is absolutely disgusting one of the cenotaph's lights has been out for not only Remembrance Day but also for the 60th Anniversary of VE Day. The second is an understandable problem of jurisdiction. However this case should have been solved a long time ago before VE Day's 60th Anniversary.

Why should both cases have been solved a long time ago?

Because it is the least we can do as a community to recognize their sacrifice.

Works Cited:

Lakey, Jack. Lights burned out many months ago at two WWII cenotaphs.” Toronto Star. 9 May 2005. Online. Internet. 7 June 2005. Available:

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