
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Street Fairs in NYC

One thing New York City is not very well known is its numerous street fairs. Aurora, Ontario, Canada may be home to the World's Longest Street fair in the world, but New York City has the highest number of street fairs in the world. You should check out the calender of street fairs to see what I mean. There are at least two or three street fairs in the city every weekend from beginning of may to end of August.

I did a quick walk through of the street fair in Brooklyn Heights today on Court Street between Atlantic Avenue and Montague Streets. Perhaps the biggest problem with this street fair is there are too many "French Crepe" production stalls as well as massages. This street fair is only really 5 blocks long and I was offered massages at least once every block. Apparently the people in this section of Brooklyn are really up tight!

Anyway, here are the pictures I took of the Brooklyn Heights Street fair:

Brooklyn Heights Street Fair

Brooklyn Heights Street Fair.

Brooklyn Heights Street Fair

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