A pretty long week for me in many ways:
1. This was my first week back in Aurora after leaving New York City. I continue to look for permanent employment in whatever is of interest to me. I am keeping my options open.
2. I am being encouraged to by friends of mine to keep my passion of teaching alive and make sure that I keep on trying to get a teaching position over another job possibililty. I see what my friends observations and take them with great respect. However, all I want is to work with good people, enjoy what I am doing and be able to survive and put some money away in terms of a pay cheque. Besides, maybe there is something out there that will be a better fit for me besides teaching that I will enjoy much more? So in other words I have spent this long week with some good mental contemplation.
3. My parents went away this week for a short vacation up north. My mother warned me about putting out the garbage the night before. She said that if you put the garbage out the night before the pick-up day you will have to pick up the garbage from the street the day of pick-up. Well I went out the door the day of pick-up with about two minutes to spare in order to put out the garbage like had been suggested. I found the garbage strewn in the backyard from our large plastic garbage can that has for years kept the garbage safe. Well, I said forget it and went to work. After all it was just one bag of garbage thats it. I come back that night to find the garbage soaked from the days rain. I easily pick it up and put it in the bag. I come back on Friday to find the garbage pail rolled to the bottom of the hill in our back yard. But at least this time the rascally ones didn't get to open the lid! Apparently some industrious raccoons have moved into the neighbourhood since I had moved to New York City.
4. What is my goal in life? This has become a little fuzzier since I came back from New York City. But I do think one thing has not changed, to remain a hardworking person who tries hard to say "yes" to people in terms of being able to complete the job right! I also love to see childrens or adults eyes light up after learning a new skill or concept. I also enjoy seeing someone receive just what they were looking for in a retail environment or helping someone out when something went wrong with the product and making it work "right" for both the company and the customer. However, I hate working for someone I know or turns out to "screw" me in the end out of employment or lies to me.
5. York Region Transit (YRT) Viva program doesn't make much of difference in terms of relieving traffic congestion. YRT advertised the buses as being able to co-ordinate traffic lights to make the trip faster to get from point A to point B. However, this week I have sat in the perhaps one of the worst sections of traffic lights in York Region. Yup, Yonge Street between Major Mackenzie Drive & Carrville Road/16th Avenue The "VIVA Blue" route inched from traffic light to traffic light from Harding Blvd. to Weldrick and onward. This was morning rush hour which VIVA should be working in its prime. However, what happenned on Wednesday was I missed the connection with the 8:05 A.M. Route 85 Rutherford Bus and nearly was late to work for 9:00 A.M. at Jane & Courtland. The VIVA bus was also late on its schedule, if the new bus system investment included the ablility to change traffic lates so the buses get priority, why wasn't this happenning? What did the Region of York do with the money? Obviously it wasn't on traffic light controls that work. I have heard rumours from other passengers that these new traffic light controls only work if the VIVA route is 3 minutes or more behind. 3 minutes behind? Seems like a waste of money if these buses cannot have advanced priority over that single occupant driving his monster SUV. However I will give YRT kudos for providing the Route 98 bus from Aurora to Bernard Terminal in order to connect into VIVA blue for the handsome cash fare price of $3.25 for a two hour trip. That is much better compared to the one way trip of GO Transit to Finch Terminal for $4.75. That is not affordable considering that if you want to go downtown Toronto and back you will be paying close to $15.00!
6. I have my fingers crossed on a possible job at my church on Sunday mornings. I basically am the morning caretaker and it pays $50.00 a week. Sure it is extra money eventually when I get another job. But right now I am looking for anything I can get my hands on. There are two other people who have applied for the job, but considering I have already done the job once....hmmmm....fingers are crossed.
Well, that was the week that was.....
15 things to do in Toronto this week
6 hours ago