
Friday, November 11, 2005

Deerly Beloved...My Life Flashed before my Eyes

I was travelling to work on VIVA this morning and got off at Richmond Hill Centre Station to transfer from VIVA Blue to VIVA Purple. A VIVA Purple bus was pulling out as I was getting off VIVA Blue. "Rats," I thought. I thought I would have to go wait to take another one. However, the driver pulled over after going around the island to pick us up from a different "bus slip". Things started to look up.

Then the VIVA Purple bus started up the on ramp from Yonge Street onto Highway 7 to go westbound. However, no cars would yield, as is the law in Ontario to any bus. So the bus ran out of lane and merged with the traffic. Well the "forced merge" caused the car in the right hand lane to swerve to the left into the middle lane and the car in the middle lane also swerved causing the two to possibly briefly collide with each other. However, I could not see if the cars in fact "touched" as there was a blind spot created by the wall behind the driver. The VIVA Purple bus was forced to wait for York Regional Police officers to show up.

While waiting for the police to arrive, another VIVA Purple bus pulled up, the driver of that bus talked to our driver and then pulled off without offloading our bus. Apparently Transit control had not given permission to offload us and we had to wait for clearance from the police. The police had to take the information down from the two drivers of the cars and then proceeded to the bus to take the liscence information from the driver. After this was all done our bus was at least ten minutes late and the second bus after hours had caught up to us near the end of the route. Apparently, I should have taken the second bus.

Not content on merely pointing fun at me, something or someone thought it would be funny to add a little irony to my life on this same VIVA Purple bus trip that the above mentioned occurred. Before I finish, lets back track to Tuesday of this week. That night on the way home from work there was a York Regional Police cruiser at the side of the road on Centre Street just past the bridge which Highway 407 uses to cross Centre Street. Next to the cruiser and the big burly police officer, was your typical white tailed deer in the ditch eating grass as if nothing happenned.

Fast forward to this morning and I think that same deer decided to run accross the road in front of the same VIVA Purple vehicle that almost got in an accident. Apparently I needed to be scared to death a couple of times.

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