
Saturday, February 04, 2006


So I made an apointment to look at two apartments in one building this week. The first was on the second floor of a plaza in Aurora. The second was a basement apartment below the stores. I didn't like the basement apartment as it was below ground and was slowly being renovated.

Also, I am it only had a shower without a tub. For some reason not having a tub bothers me. No I don't have regularly have baths. I'm not sure why I worry about not having a tub.

The second floor apartment was perfect. One bedroom apartment fully carpeted with a large closet in the front room. I can't remember if there was a closet in the bedroom, but I am not worried since I can pick up a wardrob from IKEA if need be.

Location? Awesome as awesome gets in Aurora. It is near everything!

Also the superintendent is pretty good considering he is fixing up the place slowly but surely. New windows were already installed on all the apartments and the location looked clean and neat.

I have submitted my application for the second floor apartment Friday and hope I get it!


  1. How goes the appartment process did you get one?

  2. so far so good. I am just waiting for the superintendent to get the lease from the company that owns the building in Toronto.
