
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Museum in a Crystal

Yesterday I headed down to the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) to check out the new Michael Lee-Chin Crystal and the main collections at the museum.

It took about two hours to roam around the museum. Basically this is because when I visit a museum, like the ROM, I don't read every description or piece of historical writing in the museum. But I did look at quite a few of the historical artifacts. However, the historical artifacts that I wanted to know more about I then read the description. So, in other words, I read less than one percent of the descriptions.

With that said here is some of what I saw with the main focus being on the Crystal itself (click on the photo for a full description from the scrapbook section of my website):

For more photos from the ROM check out the Toronto section of the scrapbook section of my website.

1 comment:

  1. IMHO The Crystal is a publicity stunt not needed and takes money away from the artifact collection.
    We went this weekend and discovered that the collections we wanted to see were not open as the Crystal is as yet complete inside.
