
Monday, February 11, 2008

The Dinosaurs are Back!

My first Family Day consisted of getting up and taking the bus and train to downtown Toronto with my girlfriend. From there, we separated as she had to work and I had the DAY OFF!

I picked up a coffee at Union Station then headed off to the Royal Ontario Museum to check out the Dinosaurs! It was stroller central at the ROM (as well as the Ontario Science Centre which I visited in the afternoon). I battled four and five year olds up the stairs to check out the ROM's Dinosaurs.

Following, the Dinosaurs, I headed back downtown on the subway, picked up lunch and ate with my girlfriend and her coworkers. Following that, I was dumb enough to go to the Ontario Science Centre where there were kids everywhere! Man has the Ontario Science Centre changed since I was a kid. There was a complete renovation of the builiding and most of it's displays since I was last there. Too bad the Science Arcade is gone, I miss running amok in it....PITY!

With that, onto the pictures of the DINOSAURS!

A balloon Dinosaur made out of over 10,000 baloons!

Another look at the balloon Dinosaur.



Duck Billed Dinosaur

A dinosaur waiting in line outside of the bathroom. I don't think he made it to the bathroom.


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