
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Floundering at the Filly

My girlfriend and I walked into the Filly & Firkin (14888 Yonge Street, Aurora) and was greeted right away and were able to choose our own table right away. There seemed to be a few people in the pub, but the place wasn't that busy.

The drinks came quickly after we ordered them. However, the food took over half an hour an hour to arrive. The waitress seemed more interested in talking to the people at the next table over from us rather than checking on where our orders were. Half an hour to wait for food considering the place was barely busy and more than half the customers were only interested in sipping a beer or two without food. The waitress did check on our orders and said they would be out in a couple of minutes. Well within thirty seconds of her saying that, the plates came from the kitchen (did she even bother to help bringing out the food? NO!).

Once the food was served my girlfriend commented she'd had better Greek salad at Johnathan's Restaurant (accross Yonge Street from "The Filly") and better rotisseried chicken at Swiss Chalet. She obviously wasn't pleased. My burger was a little too well done for my liking, but was at least acceptable.

We didn't leave too much of a tip for this waitress considering how long the food took to arrive. It seems at "The Filly," either you receive your food really quickly or it takes "forever" to come out. WHY IS THAT? It seems at "The Filly" you either get your order quickly or you flounder.

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