
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vacation in Ottawa: Day 3

On Wednesday I headed to Parliament Hill in the morning and the Museum of Civilization in the afternoon.

On Parliament Hill I participated in a tour of the Centre Block. I was hoping to get a chance to take pictures of both the House of Commons and Senate. Last year I was unable to do this as there was a Mock Parliament being held by Queen's University in both. This year they were using the House of Commons only thus the Senate was open. A note to future visitors, please do not visit the Parliament Hill the week of January 10th as Queen's University has in 2007 and 2009 held the Mock Parliament which closes down either both the Senate and the House of Commons or just one of them.

Now on with a few pictures of this day...

The archway at the entrance to the Library of Parliament

the Hall of Honour

The Portrait of Queen Victoria

The portrait of King Edward

A look at the Senate

The former U.S. Postal Service uniform of John Ratzenberger who starred as Cliff Claven in Cheers
Keep watching the Ottawa section of my Scrapbook on my website for more photos of Ottawa.

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