
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Vacation in Ottawa: Days 4 & 5

Thursday and Friday were my last days on vacation in Ottawa.

Thursday I spent time visiting the National Gallery of Canada and a quick tour of Major's Hill Park.

Friday I attempted to visit "the Marvelous Mustard Shop" at 109 Sparks Street at both 10:15 A.M. and 11:45 A.M. but the store never opened. In fact the store doesn't have hours of operation even posted on their front window or door. All there was one worker in the store at the main counter working away while the front door was locked. I rattled the door pretty hard and yet he didn't look up. How can you be closed for business in the middle of the day and still seem to still be in operation?

Between 10:15 and 11:45 A.M. I visited the National Currency Museum at the Bank of Canada. Admission was free for this.

All in all, my vacation to Ottawa was quite restful yet fun. I got to visit with old friends from University as well as rediscover the museums in Ottawa's downtown area. However, I wanted to visit the Aviation Museum in Rockliffe, but the OC Transpo bus drivers are on strike resulting in no bus service in Ottawa.

There isn't any pictures from my adventures on Friday as my camera was packed ready to go home. So here are some pictures from my adventures on Thursday:

The National Peacekeeping Monument

The Statue of Lieutenant-Colonel John By in Major's Hill Park
John By commanded the forces that dug the Rideau Canal which this statue overlooks.

The National Gallery of Canada

The Ramp from the Main Entrance of the National Gallery

Keep watching the Ottawa section of my Scrapbook on my website for more photos of Ottawa.

1 comment:

  1. Those are great shots, especially the one of the ramp at the National Art Gallery. Love those patterns of lines and shadows. It's my favourite place to visit when in Ottawa.
