
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Childhood Memories: GOOD FOOD!

One of my favourite childhood memories was driving from Aurora to Huntingdon, Quebec to visit my Grandmother. While in Huntingdon (population 2,500 and change) I would love to go down and visit "the dam" on the Chateauguay River and walk down Rue Chateauguay through Huntingdon's downtown.

Also while in Huntingdon I always wanted to visit at least two places Grant's Bakery and "Pivens". Grant's Bakery always had the best hot cross buns and freshly baked bread. My mother apparently used to work there as the bakery, ironically, was located on the same street she lived on. Of course she and I always got a warm welcome when returning to the bakery for a few goodies.

Then there was Pivens. Hotdogs and french fries in cardboard containers to bring back to Grandma's house for everyone. I would sometimes go down with my father or, at least once, with my Uncle Bob to pick this up. I always loved going there as it smelled so good there.

So to my surprise I found the below video that explains why I the sign out front never said "Pivens" but "Leblanc Patate" Apparently it was not some weird french spelling of "Pivens" like my five year old brain back then thought. Anywho...on with the video...ENJOY!

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