
Saturday, February 12, 2011



Such a simple word, yet it means so much.

For a young child it means that your mom says you can go and play at your friends house and maybe even sleep over.

For a teen it means getting the keys to the car for the night because your parents trust you with that responsibility. 

For an adult, well there really is no permission.   That is unless you are married and your wife says you can do something. 

Recently, I had a request from the Webmaster, Brenda, of the Bolton & District Horticultural Society for permission to use the shovel photo I took in May 2008 on a tour of Merlin's Hollow. 

My reply was was in the affirmative and I only requested proper credit back via link to the photo albumn itself or a link to my main website.

In return the Bolton & District Horticultural Society got to use the photo and pat on the back blog entry as well. 

Permission...sometimes it's so easy to get.

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