
Monday, March 07, 2011

A Movie! A Real Life Movie!

This Friday I frittered away less than an hour trying out the movie feature in the Picasa picture software.  I didn't read the instructions (Read: I'm a man and, as the old saying goes,"real men don't read instructions") and just hit the "Movie" button to see what would happen.  Up popped a text screen with the folder's title and a photo I had previously selected with a four second movie premade.

I returned to the folder I was working on, selected all the photos and hit the "Movie" button again.  There before me was a complete slideshow movie.  I fumbled around a bit with the "Transition" function and came up with my first movie using the photos I took at Grand Turk while I was on  vacation on the cruise in January 2011.

I uploaded the movie to Youtube and the mucked around with the "Audioswap" feature (Read: added some cool jazz music) within Youtube and the below is the result:

IIn the future I will probably play around with the photo sized I used as several times I've noticed the pictures aren't quite big enough when panned around int his format.  So hopefully in the future I can fine tune the movie.

But none the less it wasn't a bad first attempt.

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