
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church Carillon Ringers in Aurora United Church

Last night the Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church Carillon Ringers visited Aurora United Church for a combined concert with the Aurora United Church Handbell Choirs.

The great group of high school aged teens arrived from Rochester, New York by the mid-afternoon to enjoy a little rehearsal time, wandering around Aurora time and of course some dinner time.

Later they took to the Aurora United Church Sanctuary to put on a great handbell performance with tunes originating from Harry Potter (Hedgwig's Theme), The Phantom of the Opera (see video below) and Celtic Praise.  

After the performance I was able to try out bell ringing myself with the help of one of the Ladue Ringers who allowed me to hold onto, with two hands, "Charlie" the low C note bell that is sized bigger than my head alone.  You can see glimpses of "Charlie" in the Phantom of the Opera sitting on the table waiting to be used.  He is one of the larger bells. 

Overall it was a rare opportunity to see semi-professional handbell ringers perform in concert in a local setting.  During the performance there was an intermission with lemonade and cookies served by the church.  At the end of it all over 250 people took in the performance and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. 

Carillon Ringers playing The Phantom of the Opera

Carillon Ringers playing "Te Deum"

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