
Friday, July 08, 2011

Another Hero in Aurora

This past Canada Day weekend my family headed out for lunch at Hero Burger (15340 Bayview Avenue, Aurora). 

There were six of us with coupons for a free 4 OZ burger with the purchase of a fries and a soft drink.  The staff at this location was really friendly in answering my father's questions about the coupon in case he wanted a larger burger.  The deal was if you wanted a 6 OZ or 8 OZ burger all the customer would have to do is pay the difference in price from the 4 OZ burger. 

The Order:  (My order only): a 4 OZ Burger with a Pepsi and Fries. 

The order took about five minutes to be ready which, considering we were the only customers in the store when we entered, is pretty impressive.

The burger, fries and Pepsi themselves were the same great quality I have come to expect from Hero Burger.  Admittingly at this writing the Richmond Hill Yonge Street location was the only other location I had been too, I was a little worried.  Sometimes chain restaurants are hit and miss in terms of quality of food and service. Would Hero Burger be like other chain restaurants with different quality food and service from location to location?  No, it was exactly the same.  Great grilled burger with delicious fries as a great burger sidekick, just like Batman and Robin. 

Overall I continued to be impressed with Hero Burger.  This location easily handled the ordering process including coupons, custom making our burgers with toppings and ensuring we were seated and eating within ten minutes without any fuss.

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