
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mary Brown's Not the Best Legs in Town

Recently I visited Mary Brown's (2 Henderson Drive, Aurora, Ontario) for some fried chicken for lunch. 

The Order: Six Piece meal with Potato Wedges, cole slaw and a can of Pepsi.

I waited about five minutes for my order to be prepared which was adequate.  I grabbed my bag and returned to my workplace to eat. 

At work, unwrapping my order I noticed there was only one box, which I assumed was the chicken and a smaller container of Cole Slaw.  I wondered where my potato wedges were, I paid for it gosh darn it!  They didn't seem to be in my bag to go. 

I opened what I figured to be the chicken box only to find potato wedges.  But there was the aroma of fried chicken tickeling my nose.  I dug into the box a little further to find the chicken.  They had buried the chicken in with potato wedges which, even my coworkers agreed, was a little weird. 

The food itself was decent.  The potato wedges was tasty with a potatoey taste.  The wedges themselves competed with ketchup for my taste buds.  The chicken though was unremarkable.  The chicken tasted like anything you would receive at a reputable KFC.  The cole slaw was barely a thimble full worth in quantity.  I felt skimped on the slaw!

So overall, nothing really special about Mary Brown's except for the potato wedges.  So I may return for a side of potato wedges for snacking purposes, but with a bill for over ten bucks for mediocre chicken with potato wedges, a lunch place it is not.

Monday, September 12, 2011

An Inexpensive Day in Toronto

On the Labour Day Monday in Toronto my wife and I headed down to Toronto's waterfront for a little sightseeing of the military variety.  We took the subway down from Finch Station using a TTC Day Pass ($10.00 for two adults and two children on weekends). 

First we stopped off at Coronation Park which is near the Canadian National Exhibition to watch the air show which we thought started at 12:30 and ended at 4:00 P.M. as it was advertised on their website at the time.   We waited from 12:30 until 1:00 and only saw a brief glimpse of the Airplane/Helicopter from the U.S. Army.  At 1:00 P.M. we threw in the towel and started walking eastward as we had another stop we wanted to see.  We started working our way around the condos on the waterfront when a couple of military planes took off.  We admired them as they dissappeared in the distance.

The CNE should get together with the air show and have tighter start and end times for the planes taking off.  Having air show fans sitting for hours on end while the planes come and go every fifteen minutes doesn't seem that impressive to me.  As well this spread out air show keeps patrons who are on the CNE grounds from taking part in rides and travelling very far from the waterfront to spend money because they are worried about missing something.   Anyway, we missed most of the airshow except what we could see from our travels by foot to the foot of Yonge Street. 

Our second stop was the visiting HMCS Montreal and the HMCS Summerside. 

The HMCS Montreal

The HMCS Summerside (left) and the HMCS Shawinigan (right)

The best part about visiting the HMCS Montreal and Summerside?  It was all FREE!  So watch out next year to see which of the naval vessels of the Canadian Navy will be in port.  For more pictures of the HMCS Montreal and the HMCS Summerside check the Toronto albumn of my pictures.

For the entire afternoon for two adults cost us $10.00 Day pass for the TTC plus a lunch at Tim Hortons resulted in an afternoon of fun and frolic.