
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Bridgehead in Byward

Today I thought I would give Bridgehead another chance after the last visit I had to their Elgin Street location. So I visited Bridgehead in the Byward Market (224 Dalhousie Street, Ottawa), a location I have yet to visit. 

I entered shortly after 9 A.M. to find nobody in line at the cash.  I walked up to the counter and placed my order.

The Order: 1 Medium Blend Medium Sized Coffee and 1 Triple Berry Oatmeal Muffin.

I paid for my order and left the location to check out the rest of Dalhousie Street.  Dalhousie Street, a number of years ago, was not that great heading northward towards the Ottawa River from Clarence.  It used to be a rundown stretch.  Now it is looking up a little bit with new stores moving in and the buildings getting a little TLC.  The side streets off of Dalhousie north of Clarence also looked questionable in years past especially at night.  However, during the days now there are people out and about walking.  It also helps the Byward Market stores and restaurants have expanded to at least Murray Street making the area a little more upscale in sections as well as bringing more people to the streets.

The new Triple Berry Muffin with Oatmeal was interesting.  Bridgehead, as noted in the previous Elgin Street location review, had added Oatmeal to their original Triple Berry Muffin.  Taste wise the muffin is a bit drier than the original Triple Berry Muffin. There is less berry zing due to the Oatmeal as well.  I'm not sold on the new taste but perhaps this new recipe will grow on me overtime. 

The coffee was Bridghead perfect.  No slightly burnt taste and it didn't taste like coffee grounds either.  An improvement over the Elgin Street location as well and more like the Sparks Street location.  Freshly ground coffee beans brewed freshly.  Pretty good combination. 

Overall, this Bridghead location is located on the edge of the Byward Market in an up and coming neighbourhood.  The coffee is up to standard and the usual exemplary service with a smile is provided.  Thus, this location will probably do well in the future.

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