
Saturday, December 08, 2012

Fun & Frivolity on Parliament Hill

This past Thursday and Friday I have had some fun enjoying the events that those living in the Nation's Capital get to enjoy. 

On Thursday was lighting of the Christmas Lights on Parliament Hill and throughout the Ottawa area as part of the 2012 Christmas Lights Across Canada.   On the way to visit my wife after work I caught the choirs rehearsing for the evenings festivities. 

Centre Block overseeing rehearsals before the Christmas Lights lighting ceremony.

 My wife then searched for a good dinner place at the University of Ottawa before heading back to enjoy the carols, lighting of the Christmas lights and much more.  

Centre Block before the lighting of the Christmas lights.
There were of course fireworks to celebrate the lighting over 10,000 lights.  

Centre Block with fireworks as the 2012 Christmas Lights are lit.
The only hitch was my cell phone video.  I took a 2 minute video of the fireworks going off.  However, when I returned home there was nothing there.  I figured out the issue, after recording you have to hit "pause" to stop recording and then the "Stop" button.  I forgot to hit the "stop" button and lost everything.

The next day, I was waiting again for my wife to finish work.  I happenned to be at Parliament Hill while the Dominion Carrilloner was playing.   The Carrilloner was finishing up a piece, paused and started again with the chorus to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" then stopped.  That was weird, perhaps she was just playing choruses.  I had recorded about 30 seconds of it before she stopped. I erased the video and figured she was done for the day.  In starting to put my camera away, the Dominion Carrilloner started again. So I got out my camera and started recording.  This time I was successful in taking a video:

These are just some of the reasons I enjoy Ottawa. The events, the people and the unique places in the Nation's Capital make it all worthwhile.

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