
Friday, December 21, 2012

It 'Twas a Snowy Day

It was quite the snow event in Ottawa today with the snow gently falling.  There is always mesmerizingly pretty about snow as it gently swirls through the sky and changes sizes over time. 

Even better is watching and hearing the wind whip it around at night on Parliament Hill with the Peace Tower tolling the midnight hour.  Years ago I loved going for a walk in the snow at night in the downtown past the National War Memorial all lit up and loop around Parliament Hill front and back timing it just right to hear the Peace Tower chime the hour. At night it is better as the traffic sound emanating from nearby Wellington Street has died down for the day and the sound of the wind takes over. 

Ottawa seems to know how to deal with snow with a large number of snowplows targeting the Transitway and major routes as well as doing a decent job on sidewalks.  After the snowstorm the sounds of dump trucks and oversize snowblowers take away the leftover snowbanks and rock the world of passing five year old boys. 

So in the words of somebody famous...

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