
Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Late English Brunch at Baker Street Cafe

On Saturday my wife and I had finished our usual grocery shopping and were looking for adventure.  Where to go?  What to see?  Nothing had really caught our eye in terms of festivals or museum specials.  Hmm....where to go?  How about looking at my foodie wishlist?  Yes, Baker Street Cafe (385 Richmond Road, Ottawa) had been recommended in Anne DesBrisay's book Capital Dining as a good place to go.  Why? I can't remember as it has been a while since I returned her book to the library a while ago.  But after searching around the most talked about part was the breakfast.  Apparently somebody somewhere decided Baker Street Cafe has the best breakfast in Ottawa.

We completed a leisurely walk down Richmond Road looking at the passing restaurants and stores carefully watching for the big "385" where a very late brunch would be served.  We arrived at 2:30 P.M. just in time to enjoy a comfortable meal before the 3:00 P.M. closing time.  Yes, Baker Street Cafe closes at 3:00 P.M. as it's main focus and claim to fame is breakfast so dinner really isn't a meal to them.

We were welcomed by our waiter who was exiting the open kitchen with menus.  He signaled us to head over to the booth and we met them there.  He politely explained on weekends Baker Street Cafe only serves breakfast.  No worries though, as I perused the two menu pages of breakfast options with lots to choose from. The waiter returned with the two glasses of water we asked for and took our order.

The Order: 1 Club Sandwich on White with Home Fries and fruit salad. 1 Two Egg breakfast (scrambled) with sausage, homefries, toast and fruit salad.

Ten minutes after we ordered we were heaped in food!

The Club sandwich, duly listed on the breakfast page, came heaped with the usual bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayonaise and turkey between three pieces of bread held together by large skewers. Sure the sandwich was plain average like you would make at home, but the accompanying portions were huge!  There was not a spot on the plate to be seen.  Baker Street Cafe does not skimp on portion sizes.

The home fries were interesting as well.  Instead of the traditional American diner deep fried potato slices, Baker Street Cafe does a boiled sliced potato with the skin left on. Added to the potatoes is sliced green peppers and onions.  Perhaps the most nutritious home fries that I've seen in a while and pretty tasty to with or without ketchup.

The fruit salad comes in a separate bowl on top of the plate.  The bowl is to ensure the usual fruity juices that are associated with the fruit do not go adventure and disrupt the home fries or club sandwich.  The fruit was a mixture of pineapple, grape, strawberry, raspberry and other fruit.  A traditional tasty breakfast fruit salad with as fresh ingredients the cafe could lay their hands on.

My wife enjoyed the Two Egg breakfast.  She devoured the eggs knowing I don't normally care for eggs.  But she knew she would have two wave the white flag of surrender towards most of her plate as there was just too much for her to devour.

The sausage was huge! It separated the egg plate in half better than the demilitarized zone in Korea. One big huge sausage the size you would find at any good hot dog stand worth their salt or any German would be proud of.

The eggs and sausage were accompanied by the fruit salad and potatoes exactly the same as with the club sandwich.

Overall, Baker Street Cafe is the perfect spot in Ottawa if you are looking for a filling breakfast.  The atmosphere is can be loud and lined up apparently due to the cafe's popularity. We lucked out by going later in the afternoon before closing so things were much quieter.  In fact I think we were the last table to leave by about two minutes.  The entire meal was not rushed either as the friendly staff slowly cleaned up the other tables as well as the kitchen while we enjoyed our meals.  Looking for a terrific breakfast restaurant in Ottawa? Baker Street Cafe is a good choice.

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