
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Face up to it, Dolly's Breakfast is Good But a Little Expensive

On Monday August 5th, my family was in town for the long weekend.  We had a recommendation from a friend of my brothers to try brunch at Stone Face Dolly's (416 Preston Street, Ottawa).  

My sister called ahead to see if they had space for a table of eight.  The reply came if we hurried we could get a table otherwise we were out of luck.  In two car trips over my father ferried us all over.

The first five of us sat down.  We were warmly greeted by the hostess and taken to the back of the restaurant where our table for eight awaited.  We nervously perused the menus having noted the sign at the handwritten sign in permanent black marker at front of the restaurant saying you will not be seated until all members of your party have arrived.  

Our waitress though played it cool.  She let us peruse the menus in piece investigating what we were going to order while we waited.  The line up at the front door started to grow.  

Eventually, the owner came over and inquired as to the status of the 3 members still missing.  A quick phone call and we relayed to him that the rest of the party would be there momentarily.  In the meantime though we were ready to order our food including for those that were not there.  This sated the owner who kept looking at the front door noticing his brunch line up was lengthening.  

The Order: Banana Bread French Toast with side of Fresh Fruit and Coffee.

The three missing members of my family finally arrived.  Our food followed about five minutes after.   Good food preparation and service timing by the restaurant.

The Banana Bread French Toast was exquisite.  The banana bread was top notch and, coupled with a little syrup, made for delectable taste for the tongue.   Along with the fresh fruit it was a good tasting meal.  

The price for the Banana Bread French Toast platter compared to the price though was a little wanting.  A small bowl of fruit and two slices of banana bread with some maple syrup for $12.00 plus taxes?  Seemed a little expensive to me.  Sure it was supposedly gourmet french toast, but considering the regular french toast with the same side of fruit was $11.50 it seemed steep especially without the coffee.    Perhaps when the restaurant is lined up out the door for brunch, the restaurant can charge whatever it wants then.

Service wise our waitress was pretty good.  She refilled our drinks at no charge and let us take our time.  No rush service despite that looming line up at the front door.  

Overall, Stone Face Dolly's can be a little pricey platewise, but it seems to draw the crowds for the weekend brunch service.  If you are looking for a good brunch and do not mind paying a little more than normal, this restaurant is for you.   A tip though, make sure to arrive before 10:00 A.M, otherwise you will be stuck in line at the front of the restaurant salivating over the meal that is about to be had.

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