
Monday, February 17, 2014

2 A.M. Smoke Detector Wake Up Call!

Smoke Detector
Just put to rest my smoke detector problem.

First things first, I did not burn down the house!

There is no feeling more awesomer than being woken up at 2 A.M. Friday morning by a smoke detector. I checked everywhere 2 times for even the faintest hint of smoke. Nothing!

Best part? The smoke detectors are hard wired! Off with the switch on the circuit breaker that also takes out the power to our bedroom alarm clocks and lights. Great!

Friday, I consult Dr. Google for some advice on my issue. Clean the smoke detectors of dust and cob webs as well as check for drafts. I close up the nearby vent to the the detector in the basement. Next, whip out the vacuum and clean out the detector outside the bedroom and basement. A little spit and polish and we are good to go. Feel pretty good at my handiness as I switch the breaker back on.

This morning at 6:30 A.M., the detectors start wailing again. Off with breaker again. I make short work of removing the 2 smoke detectors, capping, and taping the wires in the junction box. Also screwed in a plate on the box. I flick the switch on the breaker panel and....what the heck is that sound? It's the wail of a smoke detector. Check the attic on my ladder and..nothing.... I must be hearing things.

A trip to Costco for new Smoke Detectors (Quantity two detectors with sound and LED lighting for $20...SWEET!).

Before installing the new detectors, I try the circuit breaker again. Off....count to 30 and back on again.... the wail.... Run up the stairs quickly and there is a smoke detector just inside the front door I've walked past for 1.5 years and never....EVER.... seen. Two minutes later it is no more!

Five minutes later...we have two new smoke detectors installed and 1 hole for a new one.

Moral of the story, get battery operated smoke detectors. Interconnected smoke detectors are from the devil...especially at 2 A.M.!

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