
Monday, June 30, 2014

Looking for Linkedin Connections? Here's Where to Find Them!

In day to day dealings with others, one of the most asked questions is:

How did you find all your connections on Linkedin? 

The answer is there is a number of different ways at gaining connections.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Suddcorp Solutions at YBIZ 2014

Suddcorp Solutions participated at the National Capital Region YMCA Enterprise Centre's YBIZ at Ottawa City Hall on June 25th.  We had a table directly across from Ottawa City Hall information desk and were please to see lots people visit our table to enter our draw for a free social media profile set up or, for those already on social media,  a social media or website audit with suggestions on how to improve.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Going to a Networking Event or Tradeshow? How Social Media Can Be Used to Connect

For individuals looking for work or businesses looking for new opportunities, the idea of networking has been around for ages. As the Thornhill Employment Hub and St. Lawrence College Employment Centre would probably agree, most job opportunities are now found through networking and not publicly posted by employers. Businesses as well will find a lot of opportunities through networking at different events or trade shows. Networking may probably be more effective for some businesses than traditional mail or newspaper advertising.

Social Media can assist you with networking events in several ways from finding an event, notifying others you are at the event and following up with possible sales leads after the event.


Monday, June 16, 2014

Playing Hard to Get? How to Encourage Customers to Find You on Social Media

Many companies and individuals have social media accounts like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter as well as listings on review websites like Urbanspoon or Yelp! These accounts may be visually appealing and regularly posted to with engaging content but for some reason many will fail to gain or take a long time to gain notice. This leads to a frequently asked question we get all the time from existing users:

Why do some social media accounts fail to gain a following?

There are a number reasons why social media accounts fail to gain a following but mainly it boils down to these social media accounts are hard to find. Let's investigate a few examples of where social media profiles can be promoted.


Monday, June 09, 2014

Avoid Being an Egghead: Tips on Creating a Profile Picture

One of the most important aspects of any social media profile is the profile photo. A profile photo is important for two main reasons: search results and professional image.

Searching is one of the main reasons to have a profile photo on social media. People want to know they have the right person to connect to and interact with online. As more people and brands join the online world it becomes a crowded place. To make things even more difficult is if people have to search for a common first and last name combination. For example, there are currently at least 15 different "Joseph Gatts" on Twitter, 6 on LinkedIn and too many to count on a Google image search. Of the Twitter results many entries are simply a shot of the world famous default Twitter egg.


Monday, June 02, 2014

Catch up With Suddcorp Solutions on Social Media

Suddcorp Solutions loves to be up to date on the latest goings on in the world of social media and technological innovations.  We also love to interact with our customers using a variety of social media platforms and tools.  Want to know how we use our social media tools and possibly which platform we currently use that may be the perfect use for you?